di Goethe

The Via del Corso 18 in Rome is a remarkable place, steeped in history.
Where once Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749 – 1832) lived with his painter friend Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein during his famous Italian journey, a unique museum has been established: the Casa di Goethe. Visit the permanent exhibition that is well worth seeing, discover Goethe’s versatility and make a foray into the 18th century.

The museum features not only two impressive libraries, but also regular temporary exhibitions, a scholarship programme and events dedicated to German-Italian cultural exchange.


Temporary and permanent exhibitions


Temporary exhibition

The Uncanny House


Casa di Goethe

Permanent exhibition

Goethe in Italy

Live, travel, discover

Upcoming events

What's going on in the Casa di Goethe?

Exhibition opening

Max Liebermann – An Impressionist from Berlin

Opening: Thursday, 19 September 2024, 7 p.m. Duration of the exhibition: 20 September 2024 to 9 February 2025 curated by Alice Cazzola With this exhibition, the Museum Casa di Goethe […]

learn more

What awaits you at the museum?

Information regarding your visit

Casa di Goethe Eintritt & Öffnung

Admission and opening hours

Here you can find out more about admission fees, reductions and opening times of the museum and the libraries.

Admission and opening hours
Casa di Goethe Führungen

Guided tours

We offer tours of the permanent and/or special exhibitions in the languages German, Italian or English.

To the guided tours
Casa di Goethe Schüler und Studenten

Schoolchildren and students

The museum has special offers for schoolchildren and students. Find out more here.

View offers
Stipendium im Casa di Goethe


You can find useful information about new calls for applications, sponsors and scholarships in the scholarship section.

Information on scholarships
Casa di Goethe Sammlung


The Casa di Goethe has its own collection that is regularly extended with the support of the Federal Government and other sponsors.

To the collection
Bookshop Casa di Goethe


Not only Goethe – discover the exhibition catalogues and publication series of the Casa di Goethe/Arbeitskreis selbstständiger Kultur-Institute e.V. (Working Group of Independent Cultural Institutes).

Browse online


Goethe special library & historical library

Casa di Goethe Bibliotheken


Goethe special library:
Reference library with numerous valuable first editions of Goethe’s works and extensive secondary literature on Goethe’s life and works.

Goethe special library

Historical library
and library of the German Association of Artists

Historical library